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Archivio digitale del disegno infantile

Riferimenti bibliografici



Questa sezione raccoglie le pubblicazioni dei curatori dell’Archivio digitale del disegno infantile.


Broglia L. (2023), Memoria, narrazione autobiografica e infanzia. Come i bambini raccontano gli eventi personali, Milano, Mimesis.

Broglia L. (2022), Considerazioni neurocognitive sugli albi illustrati, in “Symbolon”, 13, pp. 135-168.

Broglia L., Calabrese S. (2023), La casa che vorrei. Architettura e immaginario infantile, in “Symbolon”, 14, pp. 83-135.

Broglia L., Calabrese S., Mirizzi A. (2023), Leggere, guardare, ascoltare. Un test multimodale sulle componenti neurocognitive della lettura, in “Symbolon”, 14, pp. 157-210.

Calabrese S. (2020), Un matrimonio semiotico tra parole e immagini, in E. Bacchereti, F. Fastelli, D. Salvadori (a cura di), Il Graphic Novel: un crossover per la modernità, Firenze, Firenze University Press, pp. 5-20.

Calabrese S. (2019), Quando l’immagine domina la parola. Genesi neuroscientifica di un primato, in “Symbolon”, 9-10, pp. 345-361.

Calabrese S. (2019), La ‘graphic medicine’: curarsi con i comics, in “Griseldaonline”, 18(2), pp. 117-136.

Calabrese S. (a cura di) (2022), Dopo il Covid. Racconti e immagini della pandemia, Milano, Mimesis.

Calabrese S., Broglia L. (2022), Castelli di sabbia. L’architettura cognitiva e narratologica del “constructive play”, in “Symbolon”, 13, pp. 83-106.

Calabrese S., Broglia L. (2022), Il linguaggio adamitico delle immagini: Riflessioni narratologiche sul disegno sequenziale dei bambini, in “Comparatismi”, 7, pp. 478-495.

Calabrese S., Conti V. (2020), Cromie nelle storie, in “Liber”, 122, pp. 22-25.

Calabrese S., Conti V., Broglia L. (2021), Elogio della visual literacy, in “Enthymema”, 27, pp. 90-113.

Calabrese S., Zagaglia E. (2017), Che cos' è il graphic novel, Roma, Carocci.

Conti V. (2020), Visual storytelling, in Ead., Per una narratologia interculturale. I confini millenari tra Occidente ed Estremo Oriente, Milano, Mimesis, pp. 89-127.

Conti V. (2020), Visual storytelling e neuro-cognitivismo, in “Symbolon”, 11, pp. 135-151.

Conti V. (2020), Visual storytelling: un confronto interculturale, in E. Bacchereti, F. Fastelli, D. Salvadori (a cura di), Il Graphic Novel: un crossover per la modernità, Firenze, Firenze University Press, pp. 33-46.

Conti V. (2017), Visual storytelling: morfologia e interculturalismo, in “Comparatismi”, 2, pp. 56-70.



Questa sezione raccoglie le pubblicazioni nazionali e internazionali che approfondiscono le caratteristiche del disegno in età infantile e la sua evoluzione. I riferimenti bibliografici verranno implementati nel tempo.



Bernson M. (2019), Dallo scarabocchio al disegno. Evoluzione grafica del bambino dai 3 ai 6 anni,, Roma, Armando Editore.

Cannoni E. (2003), Il disegno dei bambini, Roma, Carocci.

Cappelletti A.R. (2018), Disegno e narrazione al nido, Trento, Erickson.

Giani Gallino T. (2008), Il mondo disegnato dai bambini. L’evoluzione grafica e la costruzione dell’identità, Firenze, Giunti.

Kellogg R. (1979), Analisi dell’arte infantile. Una fondamentale ricerca sugli scarabocchi dei bambini dai due agli otto anni, trad. it., Milano, Emme.

Longobardi C., Pasta T., Quaglia R. (2012), Manuale di disegno infantile. Vecchie e nuove prospettive in ambito educativo e psicologico, Novara, UTET Università.

Lowenfeld V., Brittain W.L. (1947), Creatività e sviluppo mentale, trad. it., Firenze, Giunti.

Luquet H. (1969), Il disegno infantile, trad. it., Roma, Armando Editore.

Monti F., Fava R., Luppi B. (2005), Lo scarabocchio al nido. Emozioni e tracce grafiche, Bergamo, Edizioni Junior.

Oliverio Ferraris A. (2012), Il significato del disegno infantile, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri.

Pinto G. (2018), Te lo dico con le figure. Psicologia del disegno infantile, Firenze, Giunti.

Pizzo Russo L. (2022), Il disegno infantile. Storia, teoria, pratiche, Milano, Aestethica.

Ricci C. (1887), L’arte dei bambini, Roma, Zanichelli.

Staccioli G. (2018), Pensieri colorati. Le bambine e i bambini raccontano con il disegno, Bergamo, Edizioni Junior.

Stern A. (2003), Dal disegno infantile alla semiologia dell’espressione. Iniziazione ad un altro sguardo sulla traccia, Roma, Armando Editore.

Thomas G.V., Silk A.M.G. (1998), Psicologia del disegno infantile, trad. it., Bologna, il Mulino.



Evoluzione del disegno e considerazioni cognitive

Beverley Lambert E. (2005), Children’s drawing and painting from a cognitive perspective: A longitudinal study, in “Early Years”, 25(3), pp. 249-269.

Brechet C., Jolley R.P. (2014), The roles of emotional comprehension and representational drawing skill in children’s expressive drawing, in “Infant and Child Development”, 23(5), Pp. 457-470.

Fabris M. A., Lange-Küttner C., Shiakou M., Longobardi C. (2023), Children’s drawings: evidence-based research and practice, in “Frontiers in Psychology”, 14, pp. 1-4.

Lange-Küttner C. (2014), Do drawing stages really exist? Children’s early mapping of perspective, in “Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts”, 8(2), pp. 1-15.

Longobardi C., Quaglia R., Iotti N.O. (2015), Reconsidering the scribbling stage of drawing: a new perspective on toddlers’ representational processes, in “Frontiers in Psychology”, 6, pp. 1-9.

Panesi S., Morra S. (2016), Drawing a dog: The role of working memory and executive function, in “Journal of Experimental Child Psychology”, 152, pp. 1-11.

Picard D., Vinter A. (2005), Development of graphic formulas for the depiction of familiar objects, in “International Journal of Behavioral Development”, 29(5), p. 418-432.

Picard D., Brechet C., Baldy R. (2007), Expressive strategies in drawing are related to age and topic, in “Journal of Nonverbal Behavior”, 31(4), pp. 243-257.

Pinto G., Incognito O. (2022), The relationship between emergent drawing, emergent writing, and visualmotor integration in preschool children, in “Infant and Child Development”, 31(2), pp. 1-11.

Prino L. E., Sclavo E. (2011), Child scribbling: a sensory motor activity and representational ability, in “International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology”, 1(1), pp. 95-101.

Puranik C.S., Lonigan C.J. (2011), From scribbles to scrabble: Preschool children’s developing knowledge of written language, in “Reading and writing”, 24, pp. 567-589.

Quaglia R., Longobardi C., Iotti N.O., Prino L.E. (2015), A new theory on children’s drawings: Analyzing the role of emotion and movement in graphical development, in “Infant Behavior and Development”, 39, pp. 81-91.

Yang H.C., Noel A.M. (2006), The developmental characteristics of four-and five-year-old pre-schoolers’ drawing: An analysis of scribbles, placement patterns, emergent writing, and name writing in archived spontaneous drawing samples, in “Journal of early childhood literacy”, 6(2), pp. 145-162.


Disegno come strumento espressivo-comunicativo e narrativo

Biasi V., Bonaiuto P., Levin J.M. (2015), The “Colour Family Drawing Test”: Assessing children’s perception of family relationships. Studies on mental health and cross-cultural comparisons, in “Health”, 7(3), pp. 300-307.

Bonoti F., Misalidi P. (2015), Social emotions in children’s human figure drawings: Drawing shame, pride and jealousy, in “Infant and Child Development”, 24(6), pp. 661-672.

Brechet C., Baldy R., Picard D. (2009), How does Sam feel? Children’s labelling and drawing of basic emotions, in “British Journal of Developmental Psychology”, 27(3), pp. 587-606.

Burkitt E., Barrett M., Davis A. (2003), Children’s colour choices for completing drawings of affectively characterised topics, in “Journal of child psychology and psychiatry”, 44(3), pp. 445-455.

Burkitt E., Barrett M., Davis A. (2003), The effect of affective characterizations on the size of children’s drawings, in “British Journal of Developmental Psychology”, 21(4), pp. 565-583.

Cannoni E., Pinto G., Bombi A.S. (2023), Typical emotional expression in children’s drawings of the human face, in “Current Psychology”, 42(4), pp. 2762-2768.

Cherney I.D., Seiwert C.S., Dickey T.M., Flichtbeil J.D. (2008), Children’s drawings: A mirror to their minds, in “Educational psychology”, 26(1), pp. 127-147.

Inozu J. (2018), Drawings are talking: Exploring language learners’ beliefs through visual narratives, in “Applied Linguistics Review”, 9, p. 177-200.

Millonig D.J., Stickler U., Coleman J.A. (2019), Young pupils’ perceptions of their foreign language learning lessons: The innovative use of drawings as a research tool, in “The Language Learning Journal”, 47(2), pp. 229-245.


Differenze e somiglianze grafiche, considerazioni culturali

Brechet C. (2013), Children’s gender stereotypes through drawings of emotional faces: Do boys draw angrier faces than girls?, in “Sex Roles”, 68, pp. 378-389.

Gernhardt A., Rübeling H., Keller H. (2015), Cultural perspectives on children’s tadpole drawings: At the interface between representation and production, in “Frontiers in Psychology”, 6, pp. 1-10.

Longobardi C., Bozzato P., Fabris M.A. (2022), The representation of male and female gender role development in children’s drawings: An examination of 20 years of changes in Italian culture and society, in “Journal of Psychological and Educational Research”, 30(2), pp. 20-32.

Picard D., Boulhais M. (2011), Sex differences in expressive drawing, in “Personality and Individual Differences”, 51(7), pp. 850-855.

Pinto G., Gamannossi B.A., Cameron C.A. (2011), From scribbles to meanings: social interaction in different cultures and the emergence of young children’s early drawing, in “Early Child Development and Care”, 181(4), pp. 425-444.

Rubeling H., Keller H., Yovsi R., Lenk M., Schwarzer S., Kuhne N. (2011), Children’s Drawings of the Self as an Expression of Cultural Conceptions of the Self, in “Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology”, 42, pp. 406-424.

Senzaki S., Masuda T., Nand K. (2014), Holistic versus analytic expressions in artworks: Cross-cultural differences and similarities in drawings and collages by Canadian and Japanese school-age children, in “Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology”, 45(8), pp. 1297-1316.


Disegno e considerazioni didattiche

Ahi B. (2017), The world of plants in children’s drawings: Color preferences and the effect of age and gender on these preferences, in “Journal of Baltic Science Education”, 16(1), pp. 32-42.

Ainsworth S., Prain V., Tytler R. (2011), Drawing to learn in science, in “Science”, 333(6046), pp. 1096-1099.

Brechet C., Blanc N., Mortier A., Rossi S. (2022), Draw me a brain: The use of drawing as a tool to examine children’s developing knowledge about the “black box”, in “Frontiers in Psychology”, 13, pp. 1-15.

Villarroel J.D. (2016), Young children’s drawings of plant life: A study concerning the use of colours and its relationship with age, in “Journal of Biological Education”, 50(1), pp. 41-53.

Villarroel J.D., Antón A., Zuazagoitia D., Nuño T. (2018), A study on the spontaneous representation of animals in young children’s drawings of plant life, in “Sustainability”, 10(4), pp. 1-11.